Thursday, March 16, 2017

IV - Bloom

I think I may have came up for a name for my magazine - "Bloom".
I chose this name because according to Her Family a study revealed that 14% of young women are unhappy with their lives, and 34% say they are unhappy with their appearance. Through the use of social media such as Twitter (as shown here), I learned that as a result of this many young women will turn to the use of makeup and develop a sense of a unique fashion in order to allow themselves to find their own sense of beauty. This where the name "Bloom" comes in. Since Bloom will be a fashion/beauty magazine, it provides information to young women interested in meeting their fashion/beauty needs. In a sense, they're "blooming" into what they want and becoming happy, whether it's through the use makeup or fashion. This is only the beginning so that name is subject to change.

Now as far as production, I have already decided many pictures will be taken at Wynwood in Miami because of the artistic backgrounds I am able to capture in this area. Also, there is a section in Wynwood that I think will do well as my cover page because it is a fence with plastic flowers on it which can pertain to the idea of "Bloom". I found a picture of the fence from Pinterest and here is what the area looks like:

I also have decided that because I chose this fence with plastic flowers as my cover page background, the issue of my magazine will be a spring issue with a color scheme of pastel pinks, purples, yellows, and blues. 

I am soon to start the actual layout of the magazine in which I draw the placement of the different components of the magazine on the cover page, table of contents, and 2 page spread.

This is the exciting part, and it's only getting better. I can see Bloom and all its glory now, and I love it.


Jensen-Burke, Trine. "Young Girls Are Becoming More Unhappy Study Finds." HerFamily, 01 Sept. 2016. Web. 16 Mar. 2017.

Makeup . "Makeup💋 (@Makeup)." Twitter. Twitter, 15 Mar. 2017. Web. 16 Mar. 2017.

Johnson, Debby. "Miami Street Art- Wynwood Arts District." Pinterest. N.p., 08 Jan. 2014. Web. 16 Mar. 2017.

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